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  Name : Shannon
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google
Comments : so happy that I found your site! Pls let me know if I can have any chances getting buff or red & white puppies in future.
Date : 23-Oct-22

  Name : Victoria Wilson
Web Site : http://n/a
Country : Australia
How you found us : google
Comments : Found your site in search for a American Spaniel puppy hoping that I have success in obtaining one of these amazing companions.
Date : 1-Aug-20

  Name : Graham Bevan
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogz on line
Comments : My partner and I have been the forever pet owners of 2 ACS since the age 0f 8 weeks. our surviving female Ebony is now 13 good health but eyes are slowly going each day at a time now. Rocky her brother passed this past February age 12 we miss him dearly. A new puppy yes but not until Ebony has passed not fair on her at 13 puppy jumping all over her LOL my life is dog and my love for the American cocker spaniel is a little over the top. Graham a Professional pet stylist Barks 'n Bubbles dog grooming Newtown NSW
Date : 24-Oct-14

  Name : Graham Bevan
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogz on line
Comments : My partner and I have been the forever pet owners of 2 ACS since the age 0f 8 weeks. our surviving female Ebony is now 13 good health but eyes are slowly going each day at a time now. Rocky her brother passed this past February age 12 we miss him dearly. A new puppy yes but not until Ebony has passed not fair on her at 13 puppy jumping all over her LOL my life is dog and my love for the American cocker spaniel is a little over the top. Graham a Professional pet stylist Barks 'n Bubbles dog grooming Newtown NSW
Date : 24-Oct-14

  Name : Debbie
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : dogz online
Comments : BEAUIFUL animals!
Date : 20-Sep-14

  Name : Cheryl
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : You know how
Comments : Love what you have done with web page. Was a suprise to see Charlie. He has grown soo much, must send you updated photos.
Date : 29-Aug-13

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Contact Details

Suzana and Clive Styles, Amy Kominek
Phone: 0412115495
Email : [email protected]